Why College Expenses Are Ruining This Generation’s Retirement Savings?

My Dad’s generation use to work for one company their entire career, retire and collect a pension.  It’s not the same now a days as people change employers and location on a regular basis.  Not too many companies have a pension anymore either, most of them offer 401k plans instead.  The good thing is you can contribute $18,500 and even an additional $6,000 if you’re over the age of 50 to a 401k.  The bad thing is how much easier you can access this money and so many people do! 

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Caren Laverty
Know Your Numbers!

You don’t have to be a geeky numbers person, but knowing your numbers is essential to just about everything. When you go on a diet, are you incredibly vague about it? “I’m going to lose some weight.” How much weight? How long will it take you? How are you going to do it? Reduce calories? How many? Reduce fat? How much? You get the picture.

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