Are You Saving Like a Sissy and Do You Have a Plan?
Girls, are you hoping someone else will take care of you? Is that why you’re not saving? Don’t count on anyone else – you never know what will happen. When it comes to saving, women get a bad name; however, it doesn’t look like anyone in the country is saving anything! The United States personal savings rate is a whopping 2.6%! Compare that to the Europeans who save an average 7-8% with many countries having a 10% savings rate over the past 30 years. Ugh! We’re definitely a consumer driven economy, meaning there’s a ton of stuff available to buy and we buy it.
Retirement savings looks absolutely dismal. Take a look at the average retirement savings rates for different age groups. Where do you fit in?
25-32 years old $37,000 (26% of women have less than $5,000)
33-44 years old $157,000
45-54 years old $219,000
Keep in mind that if you’re 64 years old with $291,000 saved, that means you can only live on $12,000 a year if you want the account to last through a typical retirement. Can you live on $12,000 a year? I don’t know too many people who can. Even if you add $2,000 a month of social security, that’s only $36,000 a year. What’s the message? We all need to save more!
Read more in my book, "A Woman's Place is in The Market"! It's available for sale at Amazon: or at Barnes & Nobles: